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    The development trend of the international competitiveness of the shipbuilding industry is increasing.

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    According to customs statistics, in the first three quarters of this year, my country's ship exports were 30.27 billion billion U.S. dollars. Among them, the three mainstream ship types of bulk carriers, container ships, and oil tankers are still the main body of my country's ship exports. Among them, there are three categories with an export value of more than 2 billion US dollars: bulk carriers of 150000 dwt and below, bulk carriers of 150000-300000 dwt, and container ships of 6000TEU and below.

    The shipbuilding industry is an important part of the advanced equipment manufacturing industry, representing a country's comprehensive scientific and technological and industrial strength. In 2006, the State Council promulgated the "Medium and Long-term Development Plan for the Shipbuilding Industry", which clearly stated that my country should be built into a world shipbuilding power and power. Since 2009, in the face of the severe impact of the international financial crisis, my country's shipbuilding industry has resolutely implemented the "Shipbuilding Industry Adjustment and Revitalization Plan" promulgated by the State Council, worked hard to overcome difficulties, actively responded to the crisis, and achieved stable development. Since the beginning of the new century, the scale of my country's ship exports has risen sharply, and the international market share has expanded rapidly. During the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" period, ship exports totaled US $14.8 billion, exceeding the sum of the previous 20 years; during the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, ship exports jumped to US $108.5 billion., An increase of more than 7 times over the "Tenth Five-Year Plan. At present, two shipbuilding enterprises in China have entered the top 5 shipbuilding completion in the world, and 7 shipbuilding enterprises have entered the top 20. The shipbuilding industry has become a pillar industry with strong international competitiveness and a high degree of export-oriented.

    The rapid growth of ship exports has benefited from the improvement of the independent innovation capability of China's shipbuilding industry. Since the reform and opening up, my country's shipbuilding industry has adhered to the product scientific research and development policy of "combining imported technology with independent development, focusing on independent development". On the one hand, it adopts the method of introducing foreign designs or joint designs with foreign countries to rapidly improve my country's shipbuilding industry. The starting point of design technology; on the other hand, on the basis of digesting and absorbing foreign advanced technology, increase independent development efforts, from simple to complex, the independent development capability of ship products has made great progress. After more than 30 years of development, we have not only fully mastered the systematic design technology of the three mainstream ship types, formed a number of standardized and serialized ship types, but also made major breakthroughs in some highly complex ships and marine engineering. The 175000-ton green and environmentally friendly Cape of Good Hope bulk carrier developed by my country has become an international brand; the self-developed 300000-ton super-large oil tanker (VLCC) has been widely praised by domestic and foreign shipowners for product performance; container ships with independent intellectual property rights Has formed a series. With the gradual improvement of design and construction technology, China has made a series of breakthroughs in the world's most difficult shipbuilding field.

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